Urban Suits For Today's Mens Dress Clothing Styles

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If you are looking for something a minuscule more edgy and contemporary in mens dress clothing, you may want to take a look at mens urban suits. Urban suits for men, although they do come in customary styles and muted colors, tend to have a more sophisticated cut, and urban mens suits are ready in many non-traditional color choices as well.

You will find mens urban suits ready in two customary fabric selections. Wool urban suits will give many years of great wear, and the fabric hangs nicely when draped on the human body. Poplin is the other fabric option that you will see in many styles of urban mens suits, and this fabric is more lightweight and takes well to fabric dyes, and so you will find many of the brightly colored urban suits for men made from this versatile fabric.

Dress Coat

You can find urban suits ready in two- or three-piece styles. Two-piece mens suits come with a dress coat and dress pants, while the three-piece builds on the two-piece apparel, with the expanding of a vest included. Adding a dress shirt, tie, socks and shoes rounds out the look. Pocket handkerchiefs are also a nice fashion accessory for the top pocket of the dress coat.

Urban Suits For Today's Mens Dress Clothing Styles

Another urban style that has come back into fashion are mens zoot suits. Beloved from the late 1930s straight through the 1940s, mens zoot suits featured a a dress coat with notably wide padded shoulders and wide lapels, with the coat distance much longer than an commonplace dress coat. The dress pants portion of mens zoot suits had pegged pants that tapered snugly at the ankle with a cuff. The pants also were cut full in the waist and thighs, and had a high waist. Felt fedora hats were often worn with the suits, as were pointed-toe dress shoes. While World War Two, the mens zoot suits were not to be worn as an aid to the war effort, but this helped to lead to an event known as the Zoot Suit Riots, where minorities who favored the suits were targeted by white sailors and fighting erupted.

Sometimes urban suits will focus on unique detailing that sets the suit apart from others. For example, there may be a contrasting ribbon trim along the coat lapels, pocket flaps and handkerchief pocket. Striped fabrics might be used for both coat and pants, or inspiring hues such as gold, white, red, navy or burgundy are also offered.

You can find urban-styled menswear at online men's dress clothing websites.

Urban Suits For Today's Mens Dress Clothing Styles

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