Costume Yoda, This article Is About

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I have aped the way Yoda, himself, may have written the title of this article. Costume Yoda or the Yoda costume is, in fact a very straightforward garment consisting of limited more than a monk-like robe without adornment.

Yoda's visual impact is any way great due to his striking facial features, including those long, hairy, horizontal ears, crinkled face and equally wrinkled hands with long nails. Yoda is, of course, tiny, standing less than three feet tall but he has a powerful ally that makes him a formidable opponent, this is the force!

Garment Costume

Yoda's costume varies limited throughout the Star Wars series of movies, truly I can only recall him occasionally pulling up the hood of his robe. The only other additions are his cane, Yoda is after all very old and his light saber, of which he is, naturally, a master.

Costume Yoda, This article Is About

In short, no pun intended, if the 'Yoda look' is what you are after for Halloween, or any other time, then the costume alone will not be sufficient to make you promptly recognizable as our limited green friend. At the very least you will need a mask and, I feel, a light saber. You must always be aware of the possibility of running into a Clone Trooper, Emperor Palatine or Darth Vader himself at the party.

The genius of the Star Wars series is the many, promptly recognizable, characters that are very different from one an additional one in both bodily appearance and personality traits. Yoda is truly no irregularity and our limited hero is everyone's favorite, unless, of course, you are a member of the Sith or just have leanings towards the dark side.

Costume Yoda, This article Is About

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