Dress Code


 Dress Code or the means to dress according to different situations.
The word "Urban Chic" "Smart Chic" "Smart Casual" "Black Tie".
A word that many people may be familiar Or experience eye
Neu, particularly the big social events. Often find this word.
Appear on the invitation card. Ron came to the host.
For most of us to eat. Although no opportunity to use
To learn to acknowledge the ornamental knowledge.
Would not be in vain.

English words, these are nice Dress Code.
Or preferences of the guests dress to wear to work properly.
Although this word is not familiar to people much.
But we wear clothes according to the different situations.
Thai people are careful, no less than each other.

Mr.Ponpat Asawaprapa private consultant in fashion of Siam Paragon.
The importance of the Dress Code.
In fact, the Thai people the importance of dressing to proper
The only joined the tradition of our house.
Like a black dress to a funeral. Dress to a ceremony.
If used in international Thai people are not very familiar.
Because this word is a function of the western
But to simply say the word Dress Code is to dress up sure enough under different situations.

"Dress Code is to dress according to several media.
The key is to honor yourself. We are honored to host the invitation.
It also reflects of one's own
Therefore, if one was an invitation. And the dress code on the card to.
Do not be embarrassed to wear clothes that are on trend of the work. "
Flash cards for the invitation and the Dress Code.
Most of them are both the official And general party fun.
Therefore, the dress is on trend and it is important to work very

Starting from the official at the Dress Code Black Tie.

The White Tie men wearing suit fully decorated
Important should be put on the vest in the suit.
Girls wearing evening dress Or may have worn gloves and shawl.

There is also a Dress Code for more formal such as


Black Tie Optional or Creative Black Tie Men would dress a Black Tie.
Or black suits with black shirts also. Tie or no tie to tie up to
A woman should wear a short dress that look official. A little luxury suite or cocktails


The words Semi-Formal.
Often used with the wedding held after 6 pm already.
These guests the tools they can put the finishing touches to read the series more.
Men may put a dark suit. Women will put a short dress. Cocktail, or sets.
Or wear a shirt with lactic Cutting other neat behalf.

The word is Cocktail Attire.
Men may change the suit as a shirt packet distributed dark
Whatever the color pants. No need to tie necktie
While women should wear cocktail Or only a short dress.
Do not wear a false sense.
"The Black Tie to work should focus on the dress a lot.
It works fairly formal. But now reduced to formal and then some.
For someone who does not Tuxedo. It was not wrong.
May put a black suit. White shirt. Tie a black tie optional.
But the key should not be soft suits, jeans or pants color woman. "

The dress in the style Dress Code Casual.
The current owner. To find a different fashion. The set dressing.
To the concept works. See more vibrant

Whether it is Smart Casual, Urban Chic, Casual Chic.
Or new variations. This is a feature of the event.
But the important guests to attend, they should find a more casual polite.
And untimely as well.

Casual dress, a courtesy that category.
The word casual in this Pants should not be Khak๊yi shirt.
And will not be tied up with neckties.
Men should wear a packet distributed to more casual Neu.
Or maybe the shirt color, smooth
Pants should be long pants. Cut shoes or help raise
The woman can wear is. Be short or long. It depends on work.
Now a pair of shorts because they are used to fashion more.
Set should not look untidy. Heeled shoes may have a significant bit. Do not touch the pin.
"Short Dress casual look can be put in the party.
As for the cocktail set with embroidery on chiffon fabric with sequins.
Continue to look beyond the words are too casual.
Some smart people to a cocktail length skirt with a lace shirt.
Enough to a casual. I would also want to put on pants embroidered shirt.
See more casual games. It can be done.
Dress the importance of the work is casual.
Should not be a set of luxurious fabric such as chiffon Kornuikornri.
There are sequins embroidery because it looks too much "pork guide
The dress in theme parties.
Guests can dress to the extreme. Whether it is a military theme fancy theme.
Or theme of various countries.


But the important guests to see the nature of the host.
And the nature of the work mainly
If guests know who the host is extreme.
I can throw on the dress to the theme that was all.
If you know the host but superficial Author may just see a touch only.
Dress Code This is an example. We might find a more strange.
So if you do not understand, do not be shy to call. To ask the host or know.
That dress kind. And the most important.
Do not be shy to dress according to Dress Code!!!

Thanks to information from http://www.arunsawat.com/board/index.php?topic=6800.0.

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