business casual



Re: dress for work of the Thai people.
This is interesting update.
To suit the climate our home.
And while it should be for each check, situation with
In this style for the dressing.
Casual in the office (business casual) to present before
With that thought in our house with the air.
And after this many organizations. By private enterprise.
To relax along the employees dress style that this


Life in the office workers (Workplace Lifestyle).
Set rules that became culture
Every Friday is everyone dressed Independent (Free Style).
Not uniform (Uniform / Unity).
Young girls the opportunity to choose any other clothing taste.
And values of their group, or put to work.

In the past government, especially provincial
I set the rules for everyone to wear Thai fabrics. Including the whole office.
School, the school Monday to Thursday.
Remember exactly that teacher look good. Mad is reliable.
With the school uniform set.
Enough on Friday to remember the teacher did not have.
Because composing style Thai Silk fabric with only Thai.
But style (Style & Concept) range.
Thai Silk blend together irrational
Mat making credibility lost. Become someone else.

Rules that everyone dressed casually in a casual style or all Casual Friday
Independent style one style it (Free Style).
With "intellectual fashion" (Fashion Wisdom).
And perhaps learning. "Art to Wear" (Dress-Sense Art).
With recognition or inappropriate advice.
As well as to relax the tense feeling.
Of continuous operation from Monday to Thursday.
It is the day it released. Casual dress really well.


Because the word "casual" is a simple, free unwind.
A style that is not tight not loose dark colors do not live
Comfort physical comfort at ease.
Generally is a dress at home.
Or to relax in a quiet place.

But the word "casual" is a style of dress.
Required to work in the atmosphere, which is still serious.
Busy meeting people like Monday to Thursday.
Many people still need to contact the outside work at the location had to.
Some people have an appointment with the customer. Some people have meetings with partners.

Relaxation-like tune indulge yourself.
They all have side effects reflect the image of themselves.
(Personal Style & Image) one-sided.

But look professional (Career Style & Image).
And corporate image. (Workplace / Corporate Style & Image).
Vague or no.
It resulted in negative images. Social image.
(Social Style & Image).

For example, this may be enough to see an overview.
And refine the concept of adding a new style.

We leave the definition Business Casual.
Dress Code, which is composed of the body in view.
Casual looks with a serious latent comfortable relaxed look.
In a classic look.
Which does not destroy the image of their profession.
Or reduce the power of personal credibility.
Only selected parts of quality materials.
(Do not mean expensive offline) is not a lot that is not cumbersome
The color combination of exquisite tailoring.
Harmony and gentle look.


Art to Wear (Dress-Sense Art).
Studies to determine the mood and feel of final
We want to see an overall head to toe in the mirror.
And expect others to agree with what first.
Then the parts.
Element clothing
Expected to have combined the image.
Then we bring on the author.
I should make up how to do.
Shoe bag Jewelry should be ahead.

If the author will keep climbing, casual wear to work. Do not go.
Line to the Business Casual.
That's why we provide an overview of the more tired my Smart Casual.

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