Pubic hair design template tutorial

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What you need:

Clear shaving gel so you can see where you are shaving
Aftershave astringent with salicylic acid
Stencil pencil

Hair Design


Pubic hair design template tutorial

Create works of art with pubic hair is not a new idea. Works of thousands of years show that men and women style their pubic hair removed or scraping or plucking the hair. Ouch! Fortunately, there are now productsspecifically for the treatment of pubic hair and this includes special shaving cream or gel, lotions, antiseptics and stencils. Among the most popular designs for pubic hair are the basic bikini (an inverted triangle), diamond, landing strip, heart, star, happy face, butterfly, check, lips and a square! Follow these steps to get out of a nice design and feel sexy with your clothes!

Step 1 Buy the accessoriesneed

Purchase clear shaving pubic hair for so that you can see where you are shaving, an aftershave astringent with salicylic acid, templates, a template with a pencil, a small comb, scissors, a mirror and a razor with new blades.

Step 2 Trim your hair

Decide if you need to shave your pubic hair before cutting. It makes the whole process much easier if the hair cut inches by about 1 / 4, or how long you want to make your designbe.

Step 3 bath or shower

Softer pubic hair and skin by soaking in a bubble bath or taking a long hot shower. Pubic hair and your thighs to prevent ingrown hairs Exfoliate. When finished, you wipe it completely.

Step 4 Using templates

Place the stencil with one hand against the pubic hair. Use a pencil (or colored lip pencil) to design the model to trace the outline of where you want. Put away the stenciland make sure you can set the module. Otherwise, fill with colored pencil stencil.

Step 5 Start shaving

Apply a thin layer of shaving your pubic hair. Pull the skin taut and start shaving from the periphery to the pencil line. The goal is to leave pubic hair removed in the design, you have chosen and ensure that the surplus outside of the structure is pubic hair. Next to the design and use more gel if needed. Rinse yourShaving razor repeatedly while on the smooth, clean look.

Step 6 Groom the hair remaining

a comb to pull up the remaining hair in your design, and decide if you need further cut. Some people like the hair a bit 'more "dense" and cut as close to the others.

Step 7 skin care.

Washing and shaving cream to the pencil drawing. Enter an astringent formula that contains salicylic acid to prevent ingrown hairs andthen wet the entire surface.

Step 8 Keep your design clean

Every other day look to your design using a mirror. Use shaving cream and razor to shave a bit 'out of the hair stubble to submit your project.

Caring for your design requires little maintenance, but you continue to feel sexy and adventurous. Take your time when shaving and use the best products for your pubic area. The right choice of products that areFeeling sexy without the irritating bumps, ingrown hairs and razor rash, usually accompanied pubic hair.

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Pubic hair design template tutorial

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